Saturday, May 3, 2008

Eight questions

Ari Kiev ask Eight Questions to Truthful Traders :

1. Are you willing to face your failures without recrimination?

2. Do you delude yourself with notions and rationalizations that
you are limited by the nature of the marketplace or the tape?

3. Are you willing to acknowledge your successes, or are you
afraid that others will be disappointed or hurt if you tell them
you have succeeded?

4. Do you hold back from succeeding because of some childhood
notion about not deserving to win?

5. Do you hold back in your trading because of a reluctance to let
it be as good as it can be?

6. Are you held back by imagined restrictions placed on you by
other obligations?

7. How much do you distort reality because of fear of the consequences?

8. How willing are you to commit 100 percent to being in the

Ari Kiev is the author of the book :Trading to Win :THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MASTERING THE MARKETS

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